Git commands
A reminder for some git
commands: from the most basic ones to the ones we think we’ll use but we all know the truth…
- Create a
in a repository
git init
- Clone a remote repository
git clone <url>
- get the basic informations
git log/version/status
- Modifications between two versions
git diff #last version
git diff <hash1>..<hash2> #modifications between two separate versions
- Get the remote modifications
git pull
- Send your local modifications
git push #add --force to force push modifications (careful destructive!)
- Stage files
git add #git add . to add everyone
- Make a commit
git commit -m "message" #-a to commit all
- Create a branch
git branch <name>
- See branches (local and remotes)
git branch -a
- Move on the workflow
git checkout <namebranch>
git checkout <hashcommit>
git checkout HEAD@{n} #move HEAD of n commits back
- Merge branches
git merge <branch> #merge the branch where you are with <branch>
Make modifications onto the workflow
- Rebase a branch
NB: To handle merge conflicts, use the -i
flag to make an interactive rebase, and then follow the instructions.
git checkout <branch> #which branch to rebase
git rebase <wheretorebase> #where to
git push --force-with-lease #push the rebase
- Delete
git branch -d <name> #delete local branch
git branch -D <name> #force delete local branch
git push origin --delete <branch> #delete remote branch
- Create a tag
git tag -a <name> -m "message"
git tag -a <name> <hash> #create a tag afterwards
- Handle remote tags
git push --tags
git tag -d <nametag> #delete it
- Dichotomy to find the error
git bisect start HEAD <hash>
# run the file to see if it works
git bisect <good/bad> #has the error ococured yet?
git bisect reset #HEAD goes back at the end
Manipulate the graph of the worflow
- Squash n-last commits keeping the changes
NB: Will require a force-push
if commits already pushed!
git reset --soft HEAD~ n && git commit -m "message"
- Choose some special commits with
. The commit will be placed where the HEAD of the branch is.
git cherry-pick <commitA>
- See the log
git log --graph #show the full graph
git log --oneline --graph --color #readable graph